Saturday, March 14, 2015

Green Smoothie Challenge

I just got a new blender which I have been so excited about! I made an amazing smoothie today in honor of Pi day 3.1415 and Snake Saturday. Here are the ingredients I used:
Shannon's Green Smoothie:
Handful of baby spinach
 1 Granny Smith Apple
Handful of cut up frozen mangoes

6oz SO Delicious Dairy Free Coconut Milk Strawberry Yogurt
8oz water
Crushed iced
1 scoop protein powder
And... Here is a great quote from a documentary I am watching:
"Hungry for Change"

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tedx on GMOs and Food Allergies

Please take 18 minutes to watch this TED talk by Robyn O'Brien on GMOs and food allergies. It kept my attention for sure even though the information may be a little outdated (2011). It is still great information. Remember: #doonething #organic

Robyn O'Brien at Tedx Austin

Saturday, January 10, 2015

How Yoga Saved Me From Daily Migraines

"Hello. My name is Shannon Beat and I suffer from migraine headaches." This is what I thought each time I walked into a support group for people suffering from migraine headaches. I was suffering from daily migraines that were very debilitating starting back when I lived in Omaha, Nebraska in 2006. I really did try everything to...well, make them stop. These migraines were ruining my life. I kept food journals. I took medication. I found an awesome doctor. I went to support groups. My diet was restricted because of all of the migraine triggers (barometric pressure changes, walnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, salad dressings, fresh breads, caffeine, soy sauce, florescent lighting, and MSGs to name a few). I was skinny. I was stuck on the couch 'knocked out' because of the full body pain of my migraines, auras and side effects of medication. {I. felt. like. I. was. dying. every. single. day} I even had to stop taking college classes at the University of Nebraska-Omaha. At the time, I was trying to start Master's classes after completing my undergrad degree in Speech-Language-Hearing at the University of Kansas in 2005. Needless to say, I couldn't even sit in a classroom because of these migraines. Still no M.A., but I digress (it's not a touchy subject at all).

It was awful. I knew something had to give. I signed up for a yoga class at a community center which was really my introduction to yoga. After this yoga class I was introduced to Bikram Yoga by my supervisor at the time. I am not in contact with her anymore, but I wish I could tell her that she changed my life. She wanted me to go and at least try it. So, I did. I went and paid my $15 for one class and I tried it. I was hooked.

Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 postures in a heated room that is usually 105 degrees. Yes, I said that right. There's more on Bikram Yoga here. I practiced this often while living in Omaha before moving back to the Kansas City area. I have done yoga on and off since then- Bikram and various other types of yoga. I, of course, changed from hot yoga to pre-natal yoga while I was pregnant with my two daughters and didn't step foot in a heated room. I have noticed that a lot of the studios in Kansas City have variations of Bikram Yoga, typically called Hot Yoga. For instance, the class I attended today was heated to 95 degrees and consists of a more 'flow' yoga. Still, it is great for me and allows me to sweat!

Yoga has really changed my life by helping decrease the amount of migraines I experience. I feel yoga represents my struggle and how I cope with migraine. I love it and how it detoxifies my body of my triggers. I am not perfect but am getting better. I constantly remind myself that it is called a yoga "practice" for a reason. Unfortunately, migraines are smart. They change, go away, come back. But I am a strong person and can handle it. My yoga practice will be by my side.

{Namaste: My soul recognized your soul. I honor the light, love, beauty, truth and kindness that is within you because it is also within me. In sharing these things there is no distance and no difference between us. We are the same, we are one.}


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Homemade Christmas crafts and fun for the kiddos!

I tried a craft with the girls a few nights ago. I can't say it was the easiest thing to do but it sure was fun! We are trying to think of gifts this year that may have more meaning... So, I decided to make ornaments with a special touch from the girls.

Here is the recipe I used for baking soda clay:
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup cornstarch
2/3 cup water

Keep stirring over medium heat until it starts to clump together. Remove from the heat and keep stirring. Use a rolling pin to roll the mixture out to about 3/4'' and start to create! Be careful, it is hot! I used a glass to cut circles and it worked really well. Also think about painting them with acrylic paint after they dry. I put them on wax paper and waited until they dried before decorating. I was too chicken to try to bake them because I thought it would stick to the pan. All that hard work! Don't forget...keep any not in use covered by a wet towel so that it doesn't dry out.

I will try to post pictures after the holidays! I have a few going out as gifts.

Monday, December 1, 2014

I am Mr. Beat Social Studies Channel

Just a shout out to my husband, Matt. His goal is to get to 1000 subscribers on You Tube by the end of the year. Matt is an extremely hard-working and caring social studies teacher. His passion is teaching others in hopes that they will have an open mind and learn in new ways.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Something to put in my back pocket and try later

How cool is this!? Why didn't I think of this? I definitely want to try ordering from this site:

Monday, November 24, 2014

NON-GMO Sourced... what?

Well all... here we go again. I am so glad that I started this so that I can learn more about the dreaded GMO. I started cooking dinner for the family tonight (like every night). I got all the ingredients out for the stand-by meal of grilled cheese and vegetarian beans. Hey, it is a quick and easy meal for a Monday evening. I had the whole grain bread and NON-GMO butter out. You know, I was pretty proud of my purchases at the store last weekend when I was searching for NON-GMO products. My butter was even NON-GMO....... Sourced. Wait, what? I knew when I purchased it that it wasn't certified NON-GMO. But what is NON-GMO sourced?
Photo by: Shannon Beat

Well crap. I decided to look on the container for more information. There was an asterisk after all.
Photo by: Shannon Beat
Right from the container it states, "We source ingredients that are not genetically modified. However, in the field-to-tub journey of making our buttery spread there is some contact with genetically modified vegetable oils, resulting in a small amount in this product."
There you have it. ::sigh:: It appears that the brand is attempting to cater to those that are aware of GMOs in our foods. My husband said, "well, they are trying." I suppose that is right. My question is why couldn't they use NON-GMO vegetable oils? Is it really that hard to obtain? Too expensive? Now I want to know how companies get their products and foods to be NON-GMO certified. What is the process? Is it really that hard?
So, what did I learn? Be on the look out for NON-GMO SOURCED vs. NON-GMO CERTIFIED. I suppose it is a step in the right direction.